Friday, February 29, 2008

Calling All Leaplings

It's the year 2008, and today we celebrate the birth of the leaplings. Leaplings are people who are born on the 29th day of February of a leap year. This day is also called a leap day which only occurs every four years. According to the Gregorian calender, the standard calendar of most around the world, a leap year has an extra day compared to other regular years. Adding an extra day compensates for a solar year which has 6 hours more than 365 days.

During common years, years which are not considered as leap years, Leaplings celebrate their birthdays on February 28 or March 1. It depends upon the laws where they reside. Some consider their age a quarter of their actual age just to fool other friends. So call all your leapling friends to celebrate this once in every four years event.